Save Thousands on your PI Insurance

Save Thousands of Pounds
Off Your PI Insurance with

Book a Personalized Demo

Can reducing risk in Conveyancing really reduce PI insurance? And is it cheap and easy to do so? Take a demo with one of the Lexsure team and we will explain how a simple approach to eliminating risk can save your firm thousands of pounds off the cost of your next PI policy.

AmTrust Europe Limited, an ‘A’ rated insurer, have recognised that firms using Lexsure’s COMPLETIONmonitor reduce their risk of claims. The insurers are so confident, that they are willing to reflect this in PI premiums for firms that use it.

So join us in a short demo to find out more about how we can reduce your risk profile, what your firm’s potential savings could be, depending on your insurer, and just how easy it is to get up and running.

Book a Personalized Demo